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NOTES FROM THE SEMAC GENERAL MEETING 1 OCT 2024 7:30PM At Dingley Community Centre


Bill welcomed the members present and thanked them for coming. Bous Liebenberg was introduced as this was his first meeting. 17 members attended the meeting.


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 06/08/24 at the Dingley Hall and distributed by email by David W were accepted as a correct record of the meeting. The motion to accept the minutes moved by Frank U and Paul D. The motion was carried. There was no business arising from the previous Minutes.

Presidents Report

Bill advised he had reviewed and revised the onboarding process, updated New Membership Application Form and the Membership Renewal Form, and created a new membership package. The website contact page has also been updated and 20 contacts received via the website have all been followed up. As result we have two potential members.

A new expense authorization reimbursement process has been implemented and the tracking and analysis of SEMAC's finances is underway. A deposit container scheme is in place to raise funds. A grant application is being investigated and other fund raising initiatives are being considered.

The club by-laws have been reviewed, updated and issued via email, plus posted in the white container and on the website. The website has been reviewed and updated to insure consistency with currect practice.

At the field new plane prep tables are in place and painting of the pergola, seating, flight line and pit fences has been completed. Red and white marker posts 15m inside the southern boundary and 50m apart have been put in place.

Treasurers Report - Rod Clipstone

Total receipts for Aug/Sept were $1715 and expenditure $1803. YTD Receipts are $6,404.00. YTD Expenditure is $3,740.39 Membership is currently 38 Seniors and 4 Associates.

Secretary’s Report – David Wheeler

Correspondence In - Various emails from VMAA re elections and results, DefenTex swarming approval letter, Chris Cripps Committee resignation letter, Dingley Hall public liability request for update, Dingley Hall hire invoice, VMAA latest newsletter advising that Instructor ratings are now non expiring

Correspondence Out - DefenTex Swarming SEMAC approval letter (CASA test of 5 drones to occur Oct, date TBA), Consumer Affairs (Vic Gov) SEMAC annual financial statement (refer Rod C), Dingley Hall, current MAAA Public Liability Insurance Certificate, Return-It container recycle scheme SEMAC request to join letter (now approved).

Recognition Awards

There were three recognition awards for presentation on the night for the following members -

Simon Bole-Brown, for his dedication and leadership in the Presidents role over the past 6 years and in leading the charge in the relocation from Jakupi to MX. (Geoff spoke eloquently regarding Simon’s exploits). Simon was present on the night to accept the award and was suitably chuffed.

Ben Fraser, for his Committee membership over the past four or so years and his guiding hand and expertise in many of the construction works needed to set up the new field. eg. Boundary fences and gates (saving the club thousands), Len’s shelter, and the flightline safety fence. Unfortunately, Ben was not present on the night. The award will be presented to him as soon as possible.

Chris Cripps, for his committee membership over many years, for his dedication to making the SEMAC field what it is today, ie. Pits Safety Fences, Urinal construction, Flightline safety fence, and the roof between the containers - and of course Chris’ magnificent suppers at our meetings. Unfortunately, Chris was also not present on the night. Thankfully his presentation was made on Wednesday October 9th before a gathering of the midweek flyers. Chris was suitably embarrassed.

General Business

Members voted in favour of a Christmas Party for Sunday 1st December and for a Working Bee for Sunday 27th October.

David W advised that, in accordance with our Dandenong permit, the flying start times are 7am on weekdays and 9am on weekends and public holidays. It is most important to adhere to these times particularly for IC/petrol powered models on the weekends (and yes these times are changed times from those at Jakupi).

David also requested that if IC/petrol models are not being started on the tables, members should use the carpet mats (stored in the shelter) in order to protect the grass in the pits area.

David reminded members that anything that is to be delivered to the field because it ‘might be useful’ must have committee approval. (SEMAC is NOT a dumping ground).

David asked all members to check that they have received their MAAA membership cards via email. If not they should advise either Rod, Bill or David. This is most important. If the card has not been received then the member is not covered by MAAA insurance and should NOT be flying.


Petro held a ‘Pop Up’ impromptu club raffle which was a bit of fun on the night as winners rejected or refused their prizes. All prizes finally found a winner to take them home. Unsure of final takings but thanks Petro, most entertaining! Bill made a request to the members to donate any aircraft, engines/motors, modelling stuff (in good condition) for raffle prizes at the upcoming the Xmas BBQ. Please check your hangar for anything that you may be able to donate. (Gary Curtis very generously offered an aircraft on the night, thank-you Gary).


Eddie and Petro did excellent work in the kitchen to produce a light supper that was enjoyed by all.

The meeting closed at 10:00pm. Next meeting at the Dingley Hall will be on December 3rd starting at 7.30pm