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NOTES from the General Meeting held 1 AuGUST.
1. Welcome
Simon welcomed the members and thanked them for coming. 15 members were present. No visitors.
2. General Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the GM Meeting held 6/6/2023 were distributed by David Wheeler by email prior to this meeting. Business arising from the minutes was covered in the Secretaries report below.
3. Presidents Report - Simon Bole-Brown
Eddie Hook wants to acquire a push mower for the pits area. Eddie has advised that mowers are available on Marketplace for $200-300. If member sees a suitable mower please advise a committee member and the club will look to purchase it.
The AGM will be held in October and the 21 day notice period given to members. The meeting will be held in the Community Centre library as the hall is being demolished.
4. Treasurers Report - Simon Bole-Brown
Income $11K. Expenses $4,174 for VMAA/MAAA Fees, $1350 for club apparel, $670 fuel, seed etc, $470 Mower repairs. The fee for hire of the hall is due.
Currently 33 full members and 3 associates. Dale Lummis and Colin Sparks have both dropped out of the club for personal reasons.
Metro Hobbies have agreed to put SEMAC flyers on their counters inviting new members.
5. Secretaries Report - David Wheeler
There were 3 items received - the VMAA/MAAA notifications and minutes, An email from the Dingley Community Centre on the Hall being demolished and a Heavy Model notice from the VMAA which Mario A has also received.
David distributed the polo tops and caps. See David if you have purchased apparel.
MAAA cards should have been received by all members. Greg Hewish and Eddie Hook had issues but these have been resolved. Members should download their card and retain it on their phone.
David received an email and call from Greg Hewish regarding the outfield and difficulty he had retrieving a model. David explained that SEMAC has an arrangement with MulchXpress where SEMAC is responsible for the area north of the dam MulchXpress (MX) is responsible for the remainder. MX has a 6m wide slasher (towed by a heavy-duty tractor) used to keep the gorse under control and prevent fires. A fire did go through our field approx 4 years ago and destroyed north boundary fences, which SEMAC repaired at its expense as part of the field set up. David expects MX will undertake slashing later this year when they bring the equipment up from Gippsland. David noted that Rod’s tractor is fragile but that Rod will undertake any slashing/grading needed in our area when he is at the club, eg: access track.
David explained that one of the major responsibilities of the Committee is the oversite of the club finances to keep the club viable. All Club funds were exhausted in the setting up the new field. Thanks to the very generous arrangement we have with MX our finances are slowly recovering, however if we needed to replace the mower, the club finances would again be severley stressed. The Committee believes that the current field maintenance arrangement with Brendon is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Toro mower, the mowing of runways surrounding areas is suitable. (Note: Outfields to be slashed by Rod’s tractor)
Committee acknowledges the effort that Eddie Hook others have put in over the past number of months in filling low spots, reseeding watering the pits area. The field is looking terrific at this point of time and is a credit to all that have assisted in achieving this.
A point that needs clarification is that anybody is welcome to whipper snip, help with painting, clean ups, working bees (when required), etc. The whipper snippers are stored in the utility (yellow) container.
Although Ben Fraser has advised that he is unable to assist with the roof between the containers David and Chris are progressing this and have costed materials and have a solution.
Chris provided an excellent supper as per usual.
Two models were available for purchase – a Pattern-ship and a Cub.
7. Video
Simon presented a video on the club’s defibrillator and will arrange for CPR training by St.John’s.
8. The meeting closed at 10:00pm.
Next meeting 3rd October at the Dingley Community Centre Library, 7.30pm start.