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SEMAC NEwS Nov-Dec 2023


Chair: Simon Bole-Brown

Apologies: David Wheeler (DW), Len Smerdon, Colin Vandersluys

1. Welcome Simon welcomed the members & thanked them for coming. 15 members were present. No visitors.

2. Presidents Report - Simon Bole-Brown


Simon understands not all members received the notification and said we do our best to get the notices out but sometimes there are issues with email address missing or being incorrect. David Wheeler is checking the member registry to ensure this does not happen next year.


Simon understands there are some issues being raised. Simon’s view is that we have an excellent field with a large flying area. The runways are in great condition and improving and we now have standup areas for work on planes. Brendon is mowing the runways and Eddie is mowing the taxiways and runway surrounds. Brendon is watering when water is available and fertilizing, seeding and weeding. We have access to water in the MX dam but cannot use MX’s tap water or any nearby hydrants. We are looking at a better way to access the dam water. There is a new roof on the damaged portaloo and the safety fence has been completed.

The new roof between the containers is on the way using a contractor. Expect to see progress in the new year with support posts being put in place followed by the frame and sheeting. Some material for this is being donated. Solar panels and the security cameras will go up once the roof is in place and then charging at the field may become possible.

If you believe there are issues please advise Simon.

Bill H raised the issue of the materials lying on the ground behind the shelter. SBB advised that much of the material will be used for the new urinal. Ben obtained this from a client free of charge. Eddie will address issues with the existing urinal shortly.


Brendon is currently using MX’s slasher in the paddock to the west of the field and will also work on our area to reduce the gorse, attempting to go lower with each cut. SBB understands Glen is happy with Brendon’s work.


SBB advised that under out council permit we can have at most 35 members at the field and only 10 visitors at any one time. Any more visitors would require council specific authorisation plus MX have security concerns and do not wants strangers being onsite given the damage to their plant which periodically occurs. An open day is therefore difficult.


Best available date would be 17 Dec. After some discussion the meeting agreed this would be postponed till the new year.


This could go on the main MX gate but Simon wants the lock trialled on the kitchen container to ensure members are comfortable using it. Individual pins can be issued. The lock is battery powered but can be accessed with a 9v battery if the internal battery goes flat. It can be programmed from a phone app.

3. Treasurer’s Report – Rod Clipstone.

MEMBERSHIP - Currently 37 full members and 3 associates.

BANK BALANCE - Available to members on request.

EXPENDITURE October Fuel - $500 November Field Maintenance $79

The new roof is expected to cost ~$5K

4. New Business


Simon reminded the meeting to always

1. Have the fire extinguishers and beaters etc at the flightline.

2. Ensure there is agreement between all at the flightline on what circuit is being flown and stick to it. If the wind changes agree the new circuit.

3. Know the location of the fire reporting instructions.

4. Regularly check your equipment and always do range checks.

Siimon reminded members that Chris C is the safety officer.


This is for those wanting to visit and be part of the club but not fly. Members taking a break from the hobby can take out associate membership at $30p.a. to avoid a joining fee when they decide to return.


Simon advised that these are coming.


Agreed not to maintain a separate area because of the cost – but to use the dead zone runway as appropriate.


Eddie is providing these for snake bite treatement.


Eddie will provide a book in the kitchen container.

5. Supper - Chris C provided a SUPERB supper which was enjoyed by all present.

6. Next Meeting - 6th February the Dingley Hall, 7.30pm start.