
This policy is to assist in health and welfare of members during flying and other activities and to provide information and direction to the members and committee.

Sun Smart

Too much of the sun’s UV can cause sunburn, skin and eye damage and skin cancer. UV damage accumulated during early life is strongly associated with an increased risk of skin cancer in later life. Given the age of many of our members it is important to minimise any further adverse exposure

This SunSmart policy provides guidelines to:

• ensure all members are protected from over-exposure to UV radiation;

• ensure the field provides shade wherever possible;

• ensure members are encouraged and supported to develop independent sun protection skills to help them be responsible for their own sun protection.

Requirements under this policy

This policy is intended to

• ensure all members, whether fliers or committee, and visitors are aware of the need to protect their skin while at the field;

• promote sun protection and sun smart behaviours;

• encourage members to wear sun protective clothing as part of SEMAC attire and covering as much skin as possible (for example long sleeved shirts and wide brimmed hats on which the membership card is displayed);

• promote the use of SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen;

• promote sun protection habits/practices while at the field;

• maximise the use of available shade. While the club is establishing at the new field, available shade is reduced from previous amounts. It is a priority for the club to remedy this;

• encourage members to come to the field with sunscreen, clothing, hats and sunglasses;

• promote use of the sun protection times by providing a ling to the SunSmart App (Android) / (Apple) and a link to MyUV here on the website and by encouraging the use of the free SunSmart app.

Policy review

SEMAC will review and update this policy from time to time and ensure that it complies with current State and Cancer Council Victoria requirements.

more information

Vitamin B3 Reduces Skin Cancers

Myuv Website

May 2022