The membership procedures of the club have been developed to ensure new club members will fit into the club and its established culture, procedures and purposes. Prospective members must be in agreement with the club’s Statement of Purpose.

An applicant for membership of SEMAC will be asked to complete a SEMAC membership application form before they can fly and will be a “prospective member” of SEMAC. This applies whether or not the applicant is already a member of another Model Aircraft Association of Australia (MAAA) affiliated club.

(A visitor from another MAAA affiliated club wanting to fly at SEMAC must sign and date the visitor’s book. They will be then regarded as a visitor under The Club by-laws and must be supervised by a SEMAC senior member at all times while at SEMAC field.)

In completing the membership application form, the prospective member agrees to abide by The Club by-laws and the MAAA safety procedures, and to conduct themselves in a manner in keeping with our statement of purpose. Their application date will be recorded by the secretary in the club membership list.

The applicant for membership will then be invited to attend on 4 Sunday training mornings to become familiar with the established culture of SEMAC, the club’s activities, and its members. For insurance purposes, a new member will be known as a “prospective member” (refer MOP042 – Visitor Insurance ) and for this period they shall be supervised by a senior member or instructor of SEMAC who will record their attendance. Prospective membership shall commence within 30 days of completing membership form unless it is suspended for some reason beforehand.

Following attendance at a minimum of 4 Sunday training days the prospective member will be asked to complete the membership procedure by submitting the required membership fee to SEMAC. The secretary or the treasurer will record payment on membership list. 

At this point and after paying the appropriate fee, the committee will meet and decide if the application for probationary membership is to be accepted or rejected and the applicant will then be notified of the committee decision within 14 days. The committee’s decision is final and is not open to appeal.

If the application is rejected, all monies will be returned and applicant ceases to be a prospective member of SEMAC. A person can only be a perspective member once in any membership year.

If accepted the members fees will be distributed as normal to the VMAA and club funds. The new member is then a “probationary member” from fee payment date for a period of 12 months after which probationary membership is converted to full member status subject to approval by the Committee.

The probationary member shall have full member rights and will be expected to conduct themselves within the By-laws of The Club and the SEMAC constitution. The new probationary member will be issued an access key to the field upon an instructor issuing a club solo rating.

SEMAC Constitution